In October (I know, I'm a bit behind on my updates!) the girls and I got to fly to Florida to meet Aunt Beth, Cousin Sammie, and Sweet Grandma. We met my parent's and my sister there as well. It was a great visit and we loved being able to be there to celebrate Sweet Grandma turning 90!

Gabi loved the airplane ride! Anna was prepping in case of an emergency.

In Orlando, waiting for the others to arrive.

Enjoying the swing time at the ranch. Aunt Beth (pictured swinging with us), treated us like royalty at her "bed and breakfast."

Anna and Grandpa out on the truck to check on the cattle.

Gabi loved the truck rides and all the animals.

Stopping to remember cooking out at this very spot many times for holidays, when Uncle Steve and Sweet Grandpa were still with us.

Riding practice.

Sweet Grandma helped serve communion to us on her birthday. A very special memory.

Gabi got to meet Aunt Kelly and her newest baby, Samuel.

Aunt Kelly letting Anna play with her stuff. She wants to beat Aunt Jamie for the "favorite aunt award."

Anna wanted to hold her new cousin every chance she got.

The 90th birthday celebration!

We didn't go to Disney World, but we found this princess to pose with at the airport.

Sleeping beauties on the way home.
It was a fun trip. Thanks Sweet Grandma for making it possible!