We heard today that we were assigned to court number 7. It is said that court #7 is a "good" court, not the fastest, but not the slowest. "Good" can also mean "in favor" of adoption. We continue to pray for God's perfect timing, that we would enjoy our time here together and that Gabi would continue to stay healthy. So far, so good! Thank you God!
Here are some more pictures.
Gabi and Anna taking their first nap together! Up until this point we have had Gabi in our room, but now we think they might be ready to make the transition into roommates, at least for nap time. It went well. They both fell asleep and and slept for 2 hours.
Gabi wearing a hat of a boy we met.
We went to "Betty's Place" the other night for dinner. There were 3 other families that are here for adoption staying there. We enjoyed an amazing Colombian dinner and hung out with the families there. We hope to do it again soon!
Last hugs with Papa before bed.
Jeremiah and Daniel using their free time to get a little silly. This was the sign they hung on their door. Don't worry, David and I started charging for entrance to the kitchen (200 Pesos). It works out just about right!
Gabi playing in the rocks. We aren't sure if this is a cheerleading stance or if she might eventually try the hurdles.
Anna looks up from playing too.
I love the blankets you made for the girls Gerri. So cool you were able to connect with other families who are in the same boat as you guys! Yeah for court #7!! Yeah for God and his perfectness!!!! ~Carrie