Friday, June 10, 2011

Sentencia today!

We got a totally unexpected call at lunch today from FANA letting us know that we could come and sign sentencia! This means that our court process is finished! We will hopefully get Gabriela's new birth certificate today (they needed one more signature)and then we can proceed with getting together details to travel home. It will take a few business days to get passport, visa, and go to the embassy doctor's appointment. If all goes smoothly, we could get tickets to fly home mid to late next week!


  1. Praising God right along with you!!! So many wonderful little bits and pieces coming together, not to mention the big court process: finished! one! thank you so much for sharing! Keep us posted on the flight plans!


  2. What a wonderful day - Sentencia Day!

    We can't wait to meet you at the airport to welcome Gabi to her new home!

    Marcia Abel
