Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Gabi is fully sedated so that her body can rest and so that she can not pull at any of her tubes (something she is famous for here now). The nurse is suctioning her lungs every hour and it appears that the bleeding inside has continued. She now has a fever of 102.9. Some blood was drawn out to be sent for cultures to determine the cause of infection. Her heart seems to be beating very fast so there is some concern about that as well. I wish that I had something better to say in this update. I am trying to rest as best as I can so that I can be available to help her as soon as she is awake again. God's peace is surely covering me.


  1. Praying...

    Love Ya guys


  2. Kim and I are praying for you guys. If you need us we can be there please let us know love you guys.

  3. Gabi will make it through this. She is one strong little girl. The fact that she keeps pulling out the tubes makes me grin a little bit - she is a determined soul, isn't she?! My prayers are for you - stay strong. Keep a positive attitude and know that your family is lifted by prayer from all over the globe.


  4. The Goldensteins prayed for little Gabi and all you guys this morning! We love you!
