Anna came to see her sister this morning. Gabi opened her eyes when she heard her voice and took several breaths on her own.
So far today has been pretty quiet. Gabi is resting well. She is waking up on and off, but is comforted easily. Her heart has been beating on it's own without the pacer and her blood pressure is stable with the help of the medication (Epinephrine). Her lungs seem to be getting better, there is less bleeding and less volume needing to be suctioned out (hopefully a sign that the bleeding is almost done). The machine is still doing most of the work for her lungs as we try to let her rest and heal. If she continues to show positive signs over the course of the afternoon there is a chance that they will try again to very slowly decrease her settings on the ventilator and gradually see how her lungs tolerate the workload on their own again. Research is still being done about her secondary infection that was found in her lungs. Doctors say that this should not hold her back from moving forward as she could continue antibiotics for this infection at home as long as it is under control.
Good news, Gerri. So rest is hopefully working. Are you getting any? Were you able to get out at all today? Also, how is the fever? Love, Jamie