It is a little early to be going home, but we all agree (including doctors!) that this seems best for Gabi. She is most secure at home and she will get better rest where her food and surroundings are most familiar. She is taking a nap while the final details and tests are completed. We will likely make it home before bedtime tonight!
We can't say enough about the excellent care we received while we were here at the University of Minnesota, Amplatz Children's Hospital. We were so blessed by all the experience and expertise of the surgeons, doctors, nurses and other staff (especially the International Adoption Clinic). We thank God for His great provision of it all (this hospital just opened in April...perfect timing for with everything else in this adoption journey).
We are thrilled to be past (hopefully) this big step in Gabriela's life. We are ready to settle down for a while. We truly thank you all for your prayer and support. The meals have been such a gift and your encouragement means so much to us. Thank you Grandpa and Yaya for spending the week (Happy Anniversary by the way!) with our other kids and for driving them back and forth daily to see us. We knew that this adoption would be way beyond our means in every way and that if God was leading us to move forward with it that He would need to provide in huge ways. There is absolutely no doubt about it...He did! We are filled with joy that our little girl is coming home!

One of the pictures from our recent photo shoot with Viveria Photography. (
Welcome home and to America, Gabi.