Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ups and Downs

Gabi had a pretty good day today. She rested well having the machine help her breathe. We found out that there was evidence of a fungus in one the cultures of her lungs. (It is not likely that this was introduced into her lungs during surgery, but probably something that was lying dormant in her body and "came alive" during this period of stress because of the opportunity.) She now has to add an antibiotic onto all the other meds and fight off this infection. She still has some bleeding in her left lung and they are using suction to get this out as regularly as she will tolerate it.
Later they decreased some of her sedation medication because her blood pressure was too low. About that time it was noticed that Gabi's heart rate wasn't changing. It was staying exactly the same no matter if she was sleeping or upset. They started her on a heart pacer that would initiate a beat for her heart at a certain rate that was faster, hoping that would bring her blood pressure down. It would also give her heart a rest (it was thought that her heart might have some swelling, stress, etc from the reconstruction). The heart pacer didn't work and therefore they started her on another med to increase her heart rate and raise her blood pressure. This worked, but since then her temp is going back up and her breathing is getting irregular. It is such a delicate balance to keep all her systems up and running within safe parameters! Every time we think she is staying stable and starting to move forward, then something else starts reacting wrongly. That's all we know right now. Hopefully she will rest well tonight. Thanks for all your prayer and support today.


  1. Thank you for these updates, Gerri, we continue to hold all of you in our prayers...God keep you strong and encouraged, may His healing touch rest upon Gabi and soon make her well.

    Love you guys ~

    "The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him." Psalms 28:7

  2. Morning Gerri,

    We are standing by in prayer and loving spending time with your big kids each day. I don't know why the comments we leave here after each post don't get put up. Maybe this one will make it. Love you, Jamie

  3. Brad and I are praying for Gabi and the rest of you. Could Gabi have bradycardia?

    God keep you strong,
    Nancy and Brad

  4. Hang in there guys. Praying relentlessly for healing for Gabi.

    The Eastmans
