Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Another bronchoscopy

The pulmonologist just came in to take a look down in Gabi's lungs. They found that the site from where the biopsy was taken looks just fine, so there is no concern of bleeding from there. The right lung looks good, no bleeding. The left lung is where the bleeding is coming from. Because of Gabi's heart condition her lungs were not receiving all the blood/oxygen support that they needed for a long time. When her heart was repaired and began pumping normal amounts of blood, her lungs had a hard time handling it (her left lung specifically) and injury occurred (reprofusion injury), thus the bleeding. The best course of action is to keep her on the ventilator to let her lung heal and let her lungs try to take back over more slowly to make sure that her lungs can handle it. This is a secondary injury, so it won't affect her heart recovery...meaning that we should be able to take out her chest tubes (when the bleeding stops there) even if her lung is still recovering. They will test the blood that they removed from the lung to see if there is any infection as well.
Gabi's temp is still up, but hasn't increased. We are still unsure whether it is from infection or stress. Her other vital signs have been stable while she is resting. They just put in a feeding tube so that her body can get some protein to help with healing and give her strength. It looks like she may have to stay in the PICU for a few more days depending on how quickly she can move forward. Thanks again for praying!


  1. Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

  2. That's good news. Thanks for the update.
